Introduction to Our Services

What do we do?

Our company specializes in using AI to provide clients with personalized interview preparation scripts, align candidate resumes with specific job descriptions, and craft cover letter rough drafts that precisely align with the desired job description and call out relevant resume points.

What services do you provide?

We offer comprehensive career support services, including:

  • Job interview preparation
  • Resume alignment with job description
  • LinkedIn profile optimization
  • Cover letter writing
  • Post-interview Thank You letters
  • Job search research assistance

How does the job interview preparation service work?

Our job interview preparation service includes a detailed overview of the interviewing company, a list of potential interview questions (including challenging ones), and suggestions for questions you can ask the interviewer and hiring company. We will help you build confidence and polish your interview skills to make a great impression.

What kind of information can I expect to find in your interview preparation scripts?

Our interview preparation scripts typically include the following:

  • Overview of the job position and industry
  • Common interview questions and suggested answers
  • Skills gap analysis comparing the job description to your background
  • Company-specific information and background
  • Insight into the company culture and values
  • Tips and strategies for a successful interview

Could you elaborate on the Job Interview Preparation Scripts?

Our job interview preparation scripts are text-based documents that provide personalized responses to potential interview questions based on your resume and the specific job description. They guide you on how to highlight your strengths and experiences effectively during the interview. In addition, we analyze potential experience gaps between your resume and job description to create a list of questions that may be challenging in your interview and for which you’ll need to prepare.

How do you align my resume with the job description?

We analyze the job description and identify the most important keywords, skills, and qualifications required for the position. Then, we tailor your resume to emphasize your relevant experience, skills, and accomplishments that align with the job requirements. This targeted approach increases the likelihood of your resume getting noticed by hiring managers and applicant tracking systems.

What is ATS compliance and how do you ensure it?

ATS, or Applicant Tracking System, is a software used by many companies to screen resumes. ATS compliance means that your resume is formatted and keyword-optimized to pass through these systems. We ensure ATS compliance by using job description-specific keywords and proper formatting in your resume and cover letter.

What does the LinkedIn profile optimization service involve?

Our LinkedIn profile optimization service focuses on enhancing your professional online presence by:

  • Writing an attention-grabbing headline
  • Developing a compelling summary
  • Optimizing your work experience and accomplishments
  • Recommending relevant skills and endorsements

How do you create a cover letter rough draft?

We create a cover letter rough draft by examining the job description and the candidate’s resume and identify the key qualifications, skills and experiences the employer is seeking and those the candidate posesses. We then draft a cover letter that aligns the candidate’s skills and experiences with the job requirements and emphasizes how the candidate can contribute to the company. Throughout the process, we work closely with the candidate to ensure the cover letter effectively communicates their unique value proposition and that it aligns with both the job descriptions and their resume.

Can you explain the cover letter process and the level of client involvement in creating the ‘rough draft’?

We start the cover letter process by drafting a customized letter that aligns with your resume and the specific job. The ‘rough draft’ is a near-final version that we share with you for your review. You’re encouraged to provide feedback and suggest changes, which we’ll incorporate before delivering the final version.

How do you use AI to assist in the job search process?

We utilize AI in several ways to enhance your job search process. We use AI tools to analyze job descriptions and compare them with your resume, identifying gaps and opportunities to tailor your resume effectively. The AI also identifies industry-specific keywords and incorporates them into your resume and cover letter, making them stand out to hiring managers and ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems). For LinkedIn profile optimization, our AI assesses your online professional presence, suggesting enhancements to your headline, summary, and skills. Additionally, our AI-supported interview preparation creates personalized interview scenarios based on the job description and company culture, helping you to prepare thoroughly and confidently.

Our Packages and Pricing

What is the price range for your packages?

Our service packages start from $99 for the Foundational package, $225 for the Professional package, and $325 for the Management package. Customization may incur additional charges, which will be communicated upfront.

What services are included in the Foundational Package?

The Foundational Package costs $99 and is designed for individuals who are just starting their career or looking to make a career change. This package includes:

  • Fifteen minute preparatory meeting to discuss personal background and job search goals.
  • Resume alignment with job description
  • Custom cover letter writing
  • Thank you note template for post-interview follow-up

What additional services are included in the Professional Package?

The Professional Package costs $225 and is designed for individuals with a few years of experience who are looking to advance in their careers. In addition to the services in the Foundational Package, the Professional Package includes:

  • LinkedIn profile optimization
  • List of potential interview questions, including challenging questions

What extra services are included in the Management Package?

The Management Package costs $325 and is designed for seasoned professionals and those transitioning into leadership roles. In addition to all the services in the Professional Package, the Management Package includes:

  • Job interview preparation service, which includes a detailed overview of the interviewing company and suggested questions for you to ask
  • An interviewing company overview to help you understand the organization’s mission, values, and culture
  • Customized interview response scripts to highlight your key strengths and keep your answers concise and engaging during your interview.

Each of these packages is designed to give you an edge in your career and job search, with additional services and support provided at each level to meet your specific needs and goals.

Can I use your services for multiple job applications?

Absolutely! We understand that you may be applying for multiple positions, and we’re here to help. Each job application requires unique attention to detail and will incur an additional charge. For each application, we will provide the resume service, cover letter, and interview questions specific to the position, ensuring that you have the best possible chance of success.

Service Turnaround and Revisions

How long does it take for you to provide these services?

The delivery time may vary depending on the complexity of the candidate’s background and the specific job they are applying for. Generally, clients can expect to receive their customized interview preparation script, aligned resume, or cover letter rough draft within 2-3 business days.

What level of support can I expect after purchasing a package?

Post-purchase, we provide support in the form of one round of revisions to address any concerns or questions you may have. Our team is available via email to assist you throughout the process.

Can I request revisions to the materials you provide?

Yes, we offer one round of revisions within seven days of delivering your materials. We want to ensure that you are completely satisfied with the final product.

How can I contact you if I have additional questions or concerns?

We’re always here to help! You can reach us via email at [email protected] or through the Contact form on our website. We’ll respond to your inquiry as soon as possible to address any questions or concerns you may have.

What is your refund policy?

We’re committed to your satisfaction. If you’re not satisfied with our services, please let us know your concerns. While we don’t offer refunds, we provide up to one round of revisions within 7 days of delivering your materials to ensure you’re happy with the final product.

Getting Started and Other Information

How do I get started?

To get started, select and send payment for your desired package then simply contact us through the Contact page with your Order Id and attach your resume and the job description. You can also send job description URLs or a LinkedIn profile URL to serve as your resume.

How do you ensure the privacy of my personal information?

We take your privacy seriously and are committed to keeping your personal information confidential. All communications and file transfers are conducted through secure channels, and we do not share your information with any third parties.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept all major credit cards. All transactions are processed through a secure payment gateway to ensure the safety of your transaction.